8 june 2022 year

On June 8, a press tour was organized for media representatives at the camps operating in schools 220 of Yunusabad district and 191 of Almazar district. As part of the press tour, he got acquainted with the conditions created in the playgrounds organized in schools.

Currently, the Ministry of Public Education is carrying out a number of activities to ensure meaningful recreation and health of schoolchildren during the summer holidays of 2022. In particular, from June 1, 2022, the season of children's health has begun, and the camps are operating.




photo2022-06-0810-38-28.jpg- At present, more than 60 students spend their time in the camp "Tashabbus", which began its work at our school, - says the director of school 191 in Almazar district Shoira Bakirova. - At present, about 30 clubs are working on the needs of children and parents. In science clubs, mental arithmetic, gymnastics, chess clubs all boys and girls increase their knowledge. Parents who found out about the camp brought their children to our school from other districts as well. As the activities of the club leaders are evaluated on the basis of the rating, all our teachers try to make the clubs as interesting as possible. Our main goal is to increase students' interest in clubs by developing them mentally and physically during the summer holidays as well.