27 october 2021 year

Today, at a press conference at the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the results of 9 months of work of the Internal Audit Service of the Ministry of Public Education were summed up.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 21, 2017 “On further improvement of the mechanism for financing educational and medical institutions and the system of state financial control”, an Internal Audit Service was created in the system of the Ministry of Public Education.

In order to ensure the independence of the audit service, the auditors of its territorial divisions have been transferred to the structure of the central office of the ministry since 2019, and the efficiency of the work carried out has been achieved.

Much attention is also paid to the training of employees of the Internal Audit Service, including 44 employees of the Internal Audit Service who completed advanced training courses at the Training Center of the Ministry of Finance.

Today, the studies carried out by the Internal Audit Service are based on risk analysis, i.e. when remotely monitoring educational institutions, the system first analyzes suspicious cases and, based on the results of identified cases, experts are sent to the facilities.

The main focus of the Internal Audit Service is on preventive measures to prevent financial errors and omissions.

In particular, for the first 9 months of operation of the Internal Audit Service of the Ministry, a total of 194.7 billion soums were spent. Financial errors and shortcomings in soums have been prevented and eliminated.

First of all, 106.1 billion soums will be allocated from educational institutions this year in accordance with the cost estimate and staffing table. amount has been optimized.

For reference: these funds were directed to the comprehensive creation and publication of a new generation of textbooks for secondary schools based on the National Curriculum.

Secondly, as a result of incorrect adjustment of wages and equivalent payments to employees of the system in accordance with the established norms, 12 billion rubles. managed to save sums.

Thirdly, as a result of the inventory of fixed assets and other equipment in general education schools, a total of 26.3 billion soums were spent. In the course of the study, excess storage of goods and materials in the amount of 1 billion soums was identified and eliminated in the prescribed manner.

Fourthly, 50.3 billion soums were allocated in the process of budgeting educational institutions. The amounts were recovered by channeling funds remaining as a result of preventive work to areas where there is an additional need.

In connection with the identified shortcomings and in order to prevent their recurrence in the future, changes are made to the UzASBO software package, according to which wages are paid in practice, together with the Ministry of Finance, new modules are being created.

In addition, the information system "Unified electronic software complex for the management of public education -" has been developed. The system provides for the inclusion of all indicators related to schools, their teachers and students, and the integration of relevant information with databases in other systems to limit the human factor.

Currently, experimental work is underway to implement this unique software package.

Also, within the framework of the Institutional Capacity Building project with the participation of the World Bank, in cooperation with the international consulting organization Pricewaterhousecoopers (PWC) on the methodological support of the internal audit service and the development of regulations based on international standards, a (pilot) program of the Ministry of Public Education is being implemented.

For 9 months of the current year, as a result of 197 research activities carried out in educational institutions, a total of 76,553 cases were solved. soums, of which in 6,530 cases 16 billion soums. amounts of embezzlement and deficit.

For reference: compared to the reporting period of 2020 (143.2 billion soums), it decreased by 2 times.

158 61.4 billion soums with criminal elements. The research materials were submitted to law enforcement agencies for legal assessment and prosecution.
