15 october 2021 year

After the announcement of the competition “The Best Uzbek Language Teacher of the Year”, 24,670 teachers from all over the country applied to participate in the competition. Of the approximately 25,000 teachers, only 27 made it to the republican stage of the competition.

So how did this stage of the competition go?

The teachers first wrote an essay on the topic "Creative Image", and then demonstrated their skills in lectures.

On October 12-13, the contestants took classes in their native and Uzbek languages ​​in secondary schools No. 191 and 196 of the Almazar district of Tashkent. A lottery was held to determine who would teach which class and which topic. In accordance with the curriculum, the selected class was taught on the same topic. At the end of the process, the results were summed up and teachers' grades for essays and lessons were announced.

In the final part, together with the participants of the competition, the achievements, mistakes and shortcomings of all participants were discussed. The jury members gave recommendations to teachers. During the discussions, proposals and recommendations of the participants were also heard. The final stage of the competition, which lasted 3 days, was full of interesting debates. Teachers not only competed, but also exchanged knowledge and experience.

At the end of the competition, a trip to the house-museums of Oybek and Gafur Gulom became very impressive for the participants. Acquaintance with the exhibits in the house-museum of both artists will serve as an additional source and information for them to use in literature lessons.

✅According to the results of the competition in the direction of "Mother tongue"

1st place - Turgunbaev Khusniddin Akmalovich, teacher of school No. 46, Surkhandarya region, Jarkurgan district,

2nd place Tashkent region, Almalyk, school teacher 19 Khakimova Nilufar Sabitzhanovna,

3rd place was taken by Radjabova Komila Bakhodirovna, teacher of the 11th AFHOIM, Navoi city, Navoi region.

The second direction of the competition "Uzbek language".

1st place - Tulasheva Mehriyo Abdurahimovna, teacher of school No. 44, Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan,

2nd place - Abdullayeva Sevara Gafurjanovna, teacher of school No. 39 of the Uchkurgan district of Namangan region;

3rd place was taken by Boyatov Oybek Mahmudjon oglu, teacher of school No. 91 of the Yakkasaray district of Tashkent.