13 may 2022 year

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

In order to form the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren, educate them in the spirit of commitment to national and universal values, increase the prestige of the teaching profession and the quality of teachers, improve textbooks and teaching materials in line with modern requirements, build modern models of public education. In accordance with the state program for the implementation of the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 in the "Year of Human Dignity and Active Neighborhood":

1. To approve the National program on development of public education for 2022-2026 (further - the Development program) according to appendix 1.

2. To determine the following as the main directions of the Development program:

full implementation of the National Curriculum in school education, developed on the basis of best international practices, and the implementation of modern textbooks created by local and foreign authors;

increase the prestige of the teaching profession in society, create favorable social conditions for teachers and provide appropriate incentives for their work;

increase the responsibility of teachers in the education and upbringing of young people, their demands for continuous professional development;

formation of the national staff reserve for general secondary education institutions, development of criteria for advanced school principals and exemplary teachers, and on their basis to evaluate the activities of leaders and teachers;

Systematic organization of spiritual and educational work in general secondary education, the establishment of mechanisms for continuous monitoring, evaluation and forecasting in this area, increasing the role of the family, especially parents in the education of children;

meaningful organization of leisure time of students, improvement of the system of their professional orientation;

strengthening the integration of children with special educational needs into the public education system and accelerating the process of inclusive education;

implementation of all information exchange processes in general secondary education through a single software package for the management of the public education system, as well as the expansion of e-government services in this area;

optimizing the queuing ratio of general secondary education institutions, construction, reconstruction, overhaul and provision of necessary equipment for schools of modern models.

3. For information, the Ministry of Public Education has developed a National Curriculum with the participation of international and local experts and introduced 252 new modern textbooks, exercise books and textbooks for teachers in 1st and 2nd grades from the 2021/2022 academic year.

Ministry of Public Education (B.Saidov):

a) Full implementation of the National Curriculum in the educational process by September 1, 2024, including for grades 3, 6, 7 and 10 by the end of 2022, 4, 5, 8 in 2023-2024. Ensure the creation of textbooks, exercise books and textbooks for 9th and 11th grades;

b) through special electronic systems (S-testing, Onlineedu, Digital textbooks, etc.):

Create 10 mobile electronic resources and 100 multimedia products for the new generation of textbooks by the end of 2022;

By September 1, 2022, train 3rd, 6th, 7th and 10th grade teachers in short-term professional development courses developed on the basis of the National Curriculum;

(c) Continuously improve the National Curriculum, based on the gaps identified by the teaching staff and the assessment of students' knowledge and skills, as well as suggestions from parents, experts and others.

4. Introduce internationally recognized educational programs in public secondary schools in coordination with the Ministry of Public Education, including changes in curricula and selection of textbooks within the framework of state educational standards (except for native language, literature, history, education and law). ) be allowed.

Ministry of Public Education (B.Saidov):

within a month to approve the procedure for the introduction of internationally recognized educational programs in the educational process of state general secondary education institutions;

within two months to compile a list of internationally recognized educational programs and place it on its official website;

to assist general secondary education institutions in introducing internationally recognized educational programs into their educational process, including negotiations with foreign organizations providing services in the field of education, and to allocate the necessary funds for the purchase and implementation of programs.

5. Prohibit other ministries and departments, except the Ministry of Public Education, from initiating amendments to the curricula and programs of general secondary education and the development of legislation to introduce new subjects in schools.

To the Cabinet of Ministers to establish strict control over observance by ministries and departments of the prohibition provided by this item.

6. To organize the following:

National centers for training teachers in new methods on the basis of regional centers for retraining and advanced training of public educators (hereinafter - Pedagogical Centers);

National Research Institute for Professional Development and Training of Teachers in New Methods named after A. Avloni (hereinafter - the National Research Institute) on the basis of the Research Institute for the Study of Problems and Prospects of Public Education named after A. Avloni.

To transfer the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami (hereinafter - Tashkent State Pedagogical University) and its educational and scientific organizations to the Ministry of Public Education.

To determine Tashkent State Pedagogical University as a leading higher education institution in the development of curricula in the field of pedagogy.

7. To approve the proposal of the Ministry of Public Education on introduction of practice of training of pedagogical staff on methods based on competencies and directed on formation of professional skills (further - modern methods).

The Ministry of Public Education (B.Saidov) together with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education (A.Tashkulov), the Ministry of Preschool Education (A.Shin) and the State Inspectorate for Education Quality Control (U.Tashkenbaev) introduced the practice of teaching teachers on the basis of modern methods to do:

a) in the direction of retraining and advanced training of teachers:

To attract qualified foreign specialists in exact and natural sciences to the Pedagogical Centers by September 1, 2022;

By July 1, 2022, to form groups of trainers at the Pedagogical Centers, consisting of foreign specialists, general secondary, secondary special, professional and higher education institutions and qualified staff of the Pedagogical Centers;

By the end of 2022, ensure that at least 20% of general secondary education institutions, together with groups of trainers, conduct mobile trainings and seminars for teachers based on modern methods;

to pay additional bonuses to trainers directly involved in the professional development of teaching staff in the amount of up to 100% of their monthly salary, depending on the results of their work;

By the end of 2022 to introduce additional individual training courses for school teachers, which will be carried out on a special electronic platform "Continuing professional education" inseparable from pedagogical activities;

b) to improve educational programs:

to take measures to purchase educational programs and textbooks based on modern methods and to introduce them into the general secondary education system;

By August 1, 2022 to fully review the curricula and programs of Tashkent State Pedagogical University and Pedagogical Centers with the involvement of qualified foreign specialists and improve them in accordance with international requirements;

By September 1, 2023, together with the Republican Center for Education and Tashkent State Pedagogical University to develop methods aimed at organizing the educational process on the basis of the National Curriculum and introduce these methods in general secondary and secondary special education institutions, professional and higher pedagogical institutions and pedagogical centers provide;

c) in the field of teacher training:

Starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, weekly classes for full-time students of Tashkent State Pedagogical University in the form of full-time education in the "4 + 2" mode, including 4 days of internships in higher education institutions, 2 days in general secondary education ensure that it is carried out in the order;

The President, in cooperation with the Agency for Educational Institutions, should take measures to organize acquaintance and qualification internships for students of Tashkent State Pedagogical University, as well as general secondary education institutions, the President, creative and specialized schools;

To establish the procedure for awarding basic and additional specializations (qualifications) in the areas of bachelor's education, the curricula of which are close to each other at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University;

Involve specialists and scientists in the teaching process in order to improve the research and professional skills of students of Tashkent State Pedagogical University.

The Ministry of Finance (T. Ishmetov) to allocate the necessary funds to the Ministry of Public Education for the introduction of modern teaching methods in schools by the end of 2022.

8. Ministry of Public Education (B.Saidov):

By August 1, 2023 to develop and implement a system for assessing the level of knowledge and professional skills of teachers in general education with the involvement of competent international organizations providing services in the field of education (hereinafter - the competent international organizations);

By January 1, 2024 to certify that the system of assessment of the level of knowledge and professional skills of teachers in general education meets the requirements of international standards.

9. To establish the order according to which from September 1, 2022 in general secondary educational institutions of system of the Ministry of Public Education:

a) Teachers who have a certificate of the appropriate level in general education are paid a monthly supplement in the following order:

pedagogical staff with an internationally recognized certificate - in the amount of 50 percent of their tariff rate;

to pedagogical staff with a certificate obtained in the national evaluation system that meets the requirements of international standards - in the amount of 50 percent of their tariff rate. In this case, the compliance of the national evaluation system with the requirements of international standards must be confirmed by the competent international organizations;

10. The State Testing Center (M.Karimov) in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 2012 No PP-1875 "On measures to further improve the system of learning foreign languages" complete the practice of issuing references.

It should be noted that in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 2012 No PP-1875 "On measures to further improve the system of learning foreign languages", teachers who have received a certificate in a foreign language

11. The Ministry of Public Education (B.Saidov) together with the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations (N.Khusanov) until December 1, 2022 to establish a practice of assessing the knowledge and skills of candidates for the position of school principal and issuing them management certificates.

It should be noted that from January 1, 2023:

Candidates for the position of school principal are trained in team work and communication with parents, management, financial accounting and information and communication technologies on the basis of special paid programs at the National Research Institute to obtain a certificate of management;

Upon completion of the training, the National Research Institute will assess the knowledge and skills of candidates for the position of school principal in the field of management and issue a certificate of management;

candidates for the position of school principal shall be selected only from among persons with a management certificate and submitted to the district (city) Councils of People's Deputies for approval;

the agreement of the district (city) Councils of People's Deputies is not required for the dismissal of the school principal at the initiative of the employer.

12. In order to provide additional incentives to teachers who have achieved high results and further support the activities of qualified personnel, to establish the Fund of the Minister of Public Education under the Ministry of Public Education, which does not have the status of a legal entity.

The Cabinet of Ministers shall, within one month, adopt a Government decision on the establishment of the Fund of the Minister of Public Education.

To the Ministry of Finance (T.Ishmetov) to provide allocation of 300 billion soums from the state budget to Fund of the Minister of Public Education in 2022.

13. From September 1, 2022 to increase the salary of employees of libraries of general secondary education and "Children's Libraries" in the system of the Ministry of Public Education by 1.2 times.

14. To the Ministry of Finance (T.Ishmetov) to provide in the parameters of the State budget from 2023 the corresponding means for covering of the expenses connected with implementation of the measures established by this decree.

15. To make changes to some decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix 2.

16. To the Ministry of Public Education together with other interested ministries and departments in two-month term to make offers to the Cabinet of Ministers on changes and additions to the legislation following from this decree.

17. To appoint the Minister of Public Education BO Saidov and the Minister of Finance TA Ishmetov as responsible and personally responsible for the effective organization of the implementation of this Decree.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan AN Aripov and Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan AA Abduvakhitov shall be responsible for quarterly discussion of the implementation of the decree, coordination and control over the activities of the agencies responsible for its implementation.


Republic of Uzbekistan
President Sh.MIRZIYOEV


Tashkent city,
May 11, 2022
