8 july 2021 year

NOTICE of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The new version of the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations, adopted on 5 July, has raised questions among the media and social media users about the dress code of secondary school students, in particular the wearing of school hats by boys and girls wearing beards. causing.

Taking this into account, the Ministry of Public Education announces the following:

It is well known that the norms of dress code for students in general secondary education are set out in the current legislation on education.

The new version of the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations, adopted on 5 July this year, also states that, in accordance with other applicable laws, the requirements for the dress code of employees in state organizations and institutions are regulated by their internal documents.

In particular, Article 8 of the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations separates the education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan from religion. The inclusion of religious subjects in the curriculum of the education system (except for religious educational institutions) is not allowed. Article 49 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” stipulates that the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall establish requirements for the dress code of students in educational institutions.

Based on this authority, in order to strengthen the dress code and discipline of students of public secondary schools, to create appropriate conditions for their health, to develop a spiritually and physically healthy generation, the Government on August 15, 2018 666- The resolution "On measures to provide students of public secondary schools with a modern uniform" was adopted.

At the same time, the resolution approved the Regulation on the procedure for introducing a modern uniform for students of public secondary schools (hereinafter - the Regulation).

According to this Regulation, in secondary schools:

- The boy's body is exposed to the students' educational institution

tattooed or pierced, shaved, hair

2-3 cm long and painted in bright colors;

- Girls are not allowed to come to the school with a tattoo or piercing on the exposed part of the body, hair dyed in bright colors, make-up on the face, wearing more than one earring in the ear, wearing a ring on the fingers, painting the fingernails and growing them long.

According to the regulations, non-compliance with the rules of wearing school uniforms is considered a violation of the internal rules of the educational institution, and the following measures can be taken against such students:

- caution;

- entry in the diary;

- Informing parents to carry out explanatory work;

- Parents 'participation in meetings of citizens' self-government bodies and educational institutions.

It should be noted that the Charter stipulates that parents are responsible for ensuring that students comply with these requirements.

Today, students of public secondary schools are required to dress in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation and the school uniform approved by the educational institution. Government-approved school uniforms are mandatory for educational institutions.

On social media, some people are spreading unfounded information that the Charter has no legal force and that the rules set out in it are not in force. It should be noted that although the modern uniform is mandatory from the 2024/2025 academic year, the requirements of the Charter are still mandatory for students and staff of public secondary schools, parents of students and the entire territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. applies to

The purpose of the school uniform is to help students develop into well-educated, well-mannered, well-rounded, well-rounded individuals, to create a sense of equality and obedience to established procedures, and to create conditions for their health.