The appeal of a group of teachers and coaches to the residents of Tashkent

31 december 2022 year

Dear residents of the capital, dear parents!

Uzbekistan is currently undergoing a process of great changes.

The large-scale democratic reforms carried out under the leadership of our esteemed President Shavkat Mirziyoyev bring a breath of renewal and uplift to all spheres and spheres of our life. Most importantly, our people's confidence in their strength and in the future is growing. 

We all see and know what acute and urgent problems are posed to us by today's complex and tense era itself. Especially in the new Uzbekistan, which is boldly moving towards such a great goal as the foundation of the third Renaissance, the education system faces unprecedented challenges. Because in order to realize the great goals that we strive for, first of all, we need highly professional personnel — real masters of their craft, people who are devoted and passionate about their country in any conditions. 

High-quality education and upbringing are as necessary to us as water and air in solving this problem. Today, this issue is becoming the most responsible and honorable matter, determining the fate and future of our country, the lives of all of us. 

Therefore, Dear President of the Oliy Majlis and in his Message to the people of Uzbekistan declared 2023 in our country “The Year of attention to people and quality education”. 


We, teachers and mentors who have devoted our lives to the upbringing of the younger generation, perceive this as another practical expression of the high attention and care paid to the field of education and upbringing.

The other day, during an honest and open communication with mentors and coaches in our capital, we felt the tasks set for us even more deeply. 

In particular, the thoughts of the head of our state about raising the status of teachers and mentors, fixing the status of a teacher in our constitution have added strength, energy, and enthusiasm to us. Teachers and coaches of Uzbekistan have never enjoyed such high attention, such favorable conditions.  

In Tashkent itself, in recent years, many schools have acquired a completely new look. More and more new opportunities and conditions are being created for the activities of teachers. The initiative to introduce free meals to primary school students in all schools from the next academic year also shows that the glorification of human value begins first of all with the school, with the education system.

Such colossal positive changes cover our entire country.

At a very difficult time, when a deep crisis continues in the world, the allocation of such huge funds to the education sector, of course, will not happen by itself. But, no matter how difficult it may be, our president, thinking about the fate and future of our people, our children, creates all the opportunities for the development of the industry. 



We, the teaching staff, in response to such care, are ready to mobilize all our knowledge and potential, energy for the upbringing of each child, who is our priceless asset — this is my child, the builder of the new Uzbekistan.     


Dear parents!

We are all well aware that improving the quality of education, ensuring that our children learn at least two foreign languages at school, computer and professional basics, requires joint efforts from all of us. Especially for our children, the period of formation in the 11th grade will be important when choosing a further life path. 

Undoubtedly, we should not forget that the duty and responsibility of parents, as well as teachers, is important in this regard. It is no coincidence that Islam also emphasizes in our holy religion that a good education and upbringing of a child is the responsibility of parents in the first place. 

Therefore, we must further strengthen cooperation between parents and teachers. One of the most important tasks should be the upbringing of daughters, who in the future will become educators of a new generation, people with a broad outlook, who have mastered modern knowledge and crafts.

In a word, we absolutely have no right to neglect the education and upbringing of our Navkiran generation for a minute in these threatening times, when the human heart and mind, first of all, are at increasing risk with regard to the lives of our children.

Raising our sons and daughters as truly patriotic people who appreciate the radical changes taking place in our country and actively participate in this process should become not only a dream, but also a practical act of every parent. 

We must always remember: education is, first of all, instilling knowledge in a child through affection, attention and care.

On this basis, we must establish cooperation between schools, families and mahallas in practice to educate the younger generation in the spirit of devotion to their native land, national and universal values.

Deeply aware of our responsibility to our people and Fatherland, if we all act together on this path, we will undoubtedly bring the national system of education and upbringing to a new qualitative level, we will achieve our goals in this direction. 


Dear compatriots!

Today, life itself proves how true the thoughts of our enlightened grandfathers are: “salvation is in education, salvation is in education, salvation is in science, salvation is in the teacher.”

The most important thing is that these words, expressing the dreams and aspirations of every parent, of all our people, become the meaning of our life, the criterion of our activity. 

If we mobilize all our knowledge, experience and energy to implement the President's strategy in the field of education, make a worthy contribution to this noble cause, then we will honorably fulfill our duty to our great ancestors and future generations.


Teachers and coaches of Tashkent