25 november 2021 year

Today, the minister of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhtiyor Saidov went to Samarkand region. The first address of the minister was the state secondary school specialized in the Japanese language № 8, where more than 800 children will study in Samarkand. There, the conditions created for the students and the course processes were reviewed.

Bakhtiyor Saidov passed the course of the minister to the reader-youth, asked about the language skills of the pupils, about their future dreams and goals.

Bakhtiyor Saidov also met with the team of school teachers and gave his recommendations on the responsibility of teaching, the use of modern techniques in the study of modern knowledge and professions of students. An interactive whiteboard was presented to the school so that students could receive education in accordance with modern requirements.

After that, the minister visited the 4th Secondary School in the city, reviewed the conditions created for teachers and students in the educational institution and noted that it will be included in the investment program of 2022-2026, since it does not meet the modern requirements of the conditions. In the absence of a computer classroom in the school, 15 computer sets of the last grades were presented, as well as recommendations were made to teachers on the use of useful content for children to acquire knowledge on the basis of modern requirements.


The next destination was the Samarkand region Teachers ' Training Institute. Bakhtiyor Saidov talked with teachers who came to improve their qualifications:

"You have a tremendous responsibility, the change of society must begin with you, the pupil will change if the teacher changes, and through the pupil we can influence the parents.

The rich spiritual heritage of our great ancestors, masterpieces of spirituality created during the first and Second Renaissance periods, has been added as an invaluable contribution to the world civilization. To educate today's youth as a worthy generation to the ancestors, all conditions are created, we will build the foundation of the third Renaissance together with you.


One of the main tasks that we have before us today is to increase the category of teachers, fill the gaps, overcome the problems in education together. This requires great knowledge, skill and dedication from our teachers. To do this, we must create all the conditions for our teachers. It is necessary to improve the working style of teachers. A new system consisting of 7 indicators that self-assess the teacher will be introduced," the minister of Public Education said.

It was noted that future tasks would be determined based on the comments and suggestions expressed during the meeting.