14 may 2022 year


I take the pen and praise it, President,
My head is full of joy, my eyes are full of tears.
There is no need, I have a tray every day,
Without my President, live, father of my country,
There is no moaning of our people because of you!

In which country do we have peace again,
The head of state, who is committed to peace, is brave.
Bless you, every parent,
Without my President, live, father of my country,
There is no moaning of our people because of you!

Without patriotism, children will live happily in this country,
Khas is also like unar coca, golden mother soil.
Nations are one family, they live in harmony,
Without my President, live, father of my country,
There is no moaning of our people because of you!

You have built skyscrapers,
You have set the new Uzbekistan on a bright path.
You stood on the field like a shield in the tests,
Without my President, live, father of my country,
There is no moaning of our people because of you!

Sooner or later our people will bless you,
Luckily, happiness will come.
Everyone will listen to your advice,
Without my President, live, father of my country,
There is no moaning of our people because of you!

Munisabonu TOJIBOEVA,
Tashkent region, Boka district
10th grade student of 2nd comprehensive school,
"My President" creative work competition
participant of the republican stage.
