14 may 2022 year

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 3, 2019 "On measures to identify talented young people and organize a continuous system of training highly qualified personnel" introduced a new system of incentives for winners of science Olympiads.

According to the decision, only students and their teachers who have won prestigious science Olympiads recognized in the world will be awarded one-time cash prizes:

✅International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO),

✅International Physics Olympiad (IPhO),

✅International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO),

✅International Biology Olympiad (IBO),

✅International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI)

For the 1st place (gold medal) - 500 times the basic amount of calculation for a student (135 million soums), 450 times for a teacher (121.5 million soums);

For the 2nd place (silver medal) - 300 times the basic calculation amount for a student (81 million soums), for a teacher - 250 times (67.5 million soums);

For the 3rd place (bronze medal) - 200 times the basic calculation amount for a student (54 million soums), for a teacher - 150 times (40.5 million soums).

Teachers and directors of educational institutions who have prepared the winners of the International Science Olympiads will receive the following additional bonus from the principal's fund for the next academic year:

1st place (gold medal) - 200%;

For the 2nd place (silver medal) - 175%;

For 3rd place (bronze medal) - 150%.

Students who have been awarded medals in the above prestigious international Olympiads are admitted to higher education institutions on a preferential basis without examinations.

Winners of international Olympiads working as teachers in educational institutions are paid 150 percent of the salary, winners of the republican stage of the main Olympiads are paid a monthly bonus of 100 percent.