The future of our country - one of the priorities of state policy is to create all the conditions and opportunities for the education of the younger generation. The education and social protection of children with special needs is an important area.
The education, socialization and integration of children with developmental disabilities in general or specialized educational institutions into public life is a matter of constant state concern.
A number of laws of our government set out measures to provide social support to children in need of special assistance, education, to be among the healthy children, to show their abilities and potential, to find spiritual maturity.
In particular, in order to create a legal framework for the introduction of inclusive education on the basis of today's requirements, the concept of inclusive education was introduced in the new version of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education".
In order to develop inclusive education in Uzbekistan, improve the system of education for children with special educational needs and improve the quality of educational services provided to them, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution "On measures to further improve the system of education for children with special educational needs."
The resolution approved the Concept of Development of Inclusive Education in the Public Education System for 2020-2025 and the Roadmap for the implementation of the Concept for the Development of Inclusive Education in the Public Education System for 2020-2025.
In the 2021/2022 academic year, an inclusive education system was introduced as a pilot project in a total of 42 general secondary schools in cities and districts of Tashkent. 76 students were admitted to the inclusive classes of these schools.
The Laboratory of Inclusive Education has been established at the Republican Center for Vocational Orientation and Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnosis. The Inclusive Education Laboratory has guidelines for managers, psychologists and teachers on "Criteria for determining the quality and effectiveness of inclusive education", "Application of innovative technologies in inclusive education of children with special needs" and 17 titles for inclusive classes, correctional 1st grades. 28 titles of adaptive programs, a textbook "We hear, we see, we speak beautifully" on correctional work in inclusive classes have been developed.
We hope that as a result of our government's efforts to provide social security, correction and rehabilitation for children with various disabilities and in need of treatment and rehabilitation, the return of children with disabilities to general secondary schools in the form of inclusive education will increase.