15 july 2021 year

People's teacher of Uzbekistan Tukhtamurod Jumaev

Tokhtamurod Jumaev, a talented pedagogue, devoted and organizing leader who made a worthy contribution to the development of public education and secondary special education in our country, died on July 14 this year at the age of 76.

During his 55 years of honorable pedagogical activity, this man has made significant achievements in his field. In 1967 he graduated from the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute (now Bukhara State University). He began his career in 1961 as a youth leader at the school, and worked tirelessly as a teacher, deputy principal, and principal in several schools.

In particular, he has done a lot of good deeds during his leadership of the 1st specialized boarding school for gifted children in Karakul district and the 3rd Karakul academic lyceum under Bukhara State University.

Tokhtamurod Jumaev managed to develop the education system in accordance with modern requirements, to create a "Karakol School" of modern education for talented youth living in remote areas. This is evidenced by the fact that every year 90-95% of lyceum graduates are admitted to various universities, and about 3,200 students become students of prestigious universities in the country and abroad.

So far, about 30 of his students have won high places in international mathematical Olympiads, once again demonstrating to the world that worthy generations of great scholars such as Beruni, al-Khwarizmi are growing in our country.

Given such great results, this educational institution was transformed into the International School of Mathematics.

In addition to introducing advanced methods of teaching mathematics, Tokhtamurod Jumaev has created several textbooks in this area. For this research he was admitted to the Society of Mathematicians of Uzbekistan in 1999.

Tokhtamurod Jumaev, who devoted his life to educating young people, was awarded the honorary title of "People's Teacher of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the Order "El-Yurt Hurmati" and the Order "Buyuk Hizmatlari Uchun".

The bright memory of the kind teacher, sincere and humble person Tokhtamurod Jumaev will forever remain in the hearts of teachers, coaches and students.


Higher education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
and Minister of Secondary Special Education



Republic of Uzbekistan
Minister of Public Education