5 may 2021 year

This call resonates in the hearts of every citizen today who feels responsible for the future of the country. The main idea of ​​the meeting of the Joint Board, held jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Public Education, was to ensure the prevention of delinquency and crime in secondary schools. The meeting was attended by the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Public Education, Deputy Ministers, heads in charge of the sector, as well as representatives of regional administrations and district departments. Recognized as a historic meeting of the two partner ministries, Interior Minister Lieutenant General Pulat Bobojonov said that all necessary measures should be taken for the education of the youth of the Third Renaissance, the fight against crime and intolerance among young people, local police and public education. issues such as strengthening cooperation and information exchange between departments have been identified as the most pressing task today.

Then the floor was given to Colonel Bakhtiyor Berdialiev, Chief of the Main Department for Crime Prevention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Referring to the analysis of crimes and offenses committed among minors and schoolchildren, Colonel Berdilaiev drew attention to serious and very serious crimes that were eliminated due to delays in attendance at schools, leaving students unsupervised and lack of cooperation between prevention inspectors and school administration. The events in Tashkent, Namangan, Fergana, Surkhandarya regions, the Republic of Karakalpakstan, crimes committed by students and their consequences were discussed. In order to prevent such incidents in the future, it was agreed to develop joint roadmaps of the regional departments of internal affairs and public education, return unsupervised students to classes, conduct regular preventive measures.

It was also instructed to take necessary measures to prevent the spread of drugs and psychotropic substances among schoolchildren in Tashkent, to attach staff to schools that require special control.

The Minister of Public Education Sherzod Shermatov also noted that as a result of cooperation, first of all, it is planned to create the necessary conditions for the next generation, students studying in schools. Schools are also primarily places where individuals in the community are educated. It was recognized that if education is carried out fully and effectively, it will in turn serve as a key factor in reducing crime in society, preventing various mishaps.

Currently, all schools are provided with Internet under five initiatives. In order to control students and strengthen cooperation with parents, special attention will be paid to the introduction of Facebook in schools, the installation of sound cameras in classrooms to improve the quality of education and their integration with law enforcement agencies and prevention inspectors.

At the end of the meeting of the Joint Board, the proposals of the heads of regional departments were heard. May has been designated as a topical month to further strengthen cooperation. Prior to the start of the new school year, the Minister of Internal Affairs will carry out repairs and beautification of about 220 schools attached to the police departments in Sector 3, the organization of traffic safety and crime prevention rooms, road signs, lanes and pedestrian crossings near schools. control assignments were given. Based on the issues discussed, it was agreed on the tasks to be performed in the future.