24 january 2022 year

Recognizing the importance of education for peace and development, the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution of 3 December 2018, declared January 24 to be “International Education Day”. This year, the world community is celebrating this International Day for the fourth time.

Although this holiday is young, its significance is endless. Its celebration aims not only to recognize humanity’s thirst for knowledge, but also to draw the attention of governments and societies around the world to current challenges in education, including the eradication of illiteracy and the development and implementation of integrated education programs in different regions.

According to the United Nations, 258 million children and adolescents worldwide today still do not have the opportunity to go to school or complete it. 617 million children are also unaware of basic reading and math skills, and nearly four million refugee children and youth are out of school. They suffer from the effects of poverty, discrimination, armed conflict, emergencies and climate change.

It should be noted that at a time of such complex problems around the world, the education of the younger generation in Uzbekistan has risen to the level of state policy, the issues of realization of the right of children and youth to education and the creation of favorable conditions for them. begins at the threshold of school ”. As the head of our state said, "We have set ourselves the great goal of building the foundations of the Third Renaissance in our country, for which we must create an environment and conditions that will educate new Khorezmians, Beruni, Ibn Sina, Ulugbeks, Navoi and Baburs."

To this end, it is planned to take concrete measures to further develop the education system in the coming years, expand the coverage of young people with education, and provide benefits to children from needy families.

In particular, the draft Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 includes the creation of an additional 1.2 million places in the public education system through the introduction of the National School Development Program, the allocation of 605 billion soums from the state budget to update textbooks. - A number of activities are planned, such as the introduction of a system of free meals for students, the introduction of a system to help students at least one profession during school.
