Minister of Public Education Bakhtiyor Saidov visited school No. 3 in Naryn district, where teacher Nafosat Muhitdinova works, through a social network while studying schools in Namangan region. The teacher's suggestions for improving the educational process were heard and the lesson was attended.
The students of the school were taught a subject, and a set of literature from the rare works of world literature, a teacher Nafosat Muhitdinova was presented with a laptop to provide students with more information using information and communication technologies.
An electronic whiteboard and a computer class were provided for school teachers and students to use in the classroom. Improvements are planned to include the school building in the Investment Program for 2023-2024.
He also got acquainted with the activities of school No. 6, built in 1965, which has a low level of education and poor material and technical base. In the future, taking into account the growth of the population, it was proposed to include in the Investment Program for the construction of a new school building for 990 places on the site of the school.