15 march 2021 year

On March 15, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Central Asia and the Ministry of Public Education organized a final session of the Join Life program at School No. 42 in Tashkent.

The Join Life program is based on the experience of the United Nations and other partners in developing programs to prevent crime, violence, and drug abuse among children aged 13-18, including life skills training. intended for use in the environment.

It is well known that physical education and sports have a positive effect on a person's psychological, social and physical health, so they play an important role in the development of young people into physically and spiritually mature people.

Just as tolerance and intolerance between different sectors of society have a positive effect on fostering cooperation, physical education and sports play a positive role in building solidarity between boys and girls.


During the training, 20 students participated in a total of 10 sessions over two months as part of the "Join Life" program.

During these sessions, the school's physical education teacher and practicing psychologist focused on developing students' life skills to respect each other and support each other, to overcome challenges through teamwork, and to set goals for themselves. .

At the end of the event, the participating students received certificates and souvenirs from the Ministry of Public Education and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Central Asia.
