14 january 2021 year

The Department of Public Education, in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is introducing new classroom and subject-based learning standards for schoolchildren. These standards allow the ministry to determine the knowledge of students in each class, to develop curricula, textbooks and manuals for teachers in the field. This is one of the fundamental foundations for creating a quality education system that cultivates school graduates with critical thinking, problem solving and practical skills.

From January 14 to February 1, more than 60 education professionals will participate in a USAID-funded workshop on “Education for Harmony in Uzbekistan” organized by the Ministry of Public Education. The purpose of the seminar is to prepare the staff of the Ministry to review the draft educational standards in the native language and mathematics (for grades 1-4) and computer science and information technology (for grades 1-11).

“This seminar will improve the skills of our staff to thoroughly review the draft educational standards in the native language, mathematics and computer science and information technology. Teaching and learning on the basis of clear standards is the basis of high quality education standards and further improves the learning outcomes of students, ”said Shukhrat Sattorov, director of the Republican Education Center of the Ministry of Public Education.


The Ministry of Public Education has set itself the goal of implementing a large-scale program of systematic and comprehensive reform of the general secondary education system. In December 2019, USAID launched the four-year Integrity Education Program in Uzbekistan to support the ministry in its reforms. The program is implemented by the U.S. Research Triangle Institute (RTI) and its partners, Florida State University and Mississippi State University.