18 august 2021 year

To date, in secondary schools on the basis of Public-Private Partnership, the construction, repair and equipment of kitchens or buffets, Organization of healthy meals in schools where culinary activity is not established on the territory, provision of preferential food for children (pupils) of families in need of social protection, provision of hot and quality food for pupils of secondary schools with the aim of, the project is being implemented on the basis of Public-Private Partnership for a period of up to 10 years, with investment and social obligations on the initiative entrepreneurship subjects arising from the state of material and technical base of secondary educational institutions, which do not have canteens and canteens.

In this connection, the Ministry of Public Education calls on representatives of the private sector to cooperate on the basis of Public-Private Partnership and the construction of new kitchens in the oshhonas in the system of public education.

Entrepreneurs interested in the implementation of the project should submit proposals that meet the following requirements and " requirements for further improvement of the organization of healthy nutrition in secondary schools:

1. Reference book on activities, work experience in the field of Organization of public catering.

2. A certificate of availability of qualified specialists in the field of special material and technical base and technology of preparation of food products.

3. Bank statement on the availability of free working capital;

4. Prospective plan and proposals for strengthening the material and technical base of the kitchen of the educational institution of the applicant.

5. State-registered in the competition, at least in terms of public catering

applicants who have been operating for six months, have a special material and technical base (modern technological equipment), specialists in the field of technology of preparation of food products and dishes, can participate.

Entrepreneurship entities wishing to implement the project on the basis of a public-private partnership must submit the following documents to the Ministry upon completion and approval:

Project concept form

Information on the regions selected by the Republic

Attention! Project proposals will be accepted until 18:00 on September 15 of this year. Interested entrepreneurs should personally submit their proposals to the Ministry's office at the address of Tashkent City, Shaykhantakhur district, 2A-House (postal index: 100011) or as well as you will be asked to send via email.