7 december 2021 year

The minister of public education Bakhtiyor Saidov started today at the 21st orphanage in Tashkent to review the conditions created for children.

He highly appreciated the conditions created for children's living there, and during the conversation with the leadership of the institution he touched on the acceleration of work on the transfer of children to families.

The leadership of the orphanage has expressed its views on the possible problems and their prevention that educators may face in locating families.

The minister emphasized the need to create opportunities for families who want to adopt children, give the child in the orphanage to the hands of good people and try to do this as much as possible.


"We need to work with the right approach on this issue. We need to explain to the children that the family is important for human life. If necessary, it is necessary to involve psychologists to work with children in this direction. True, children have been living here for several years, and they have learned about the conditions here. But they should absorb the family value into their minds. That is why we need to bring these things to the child's consciousness as accurately as possible, making it possible for the children to be as family friendly as possible,” the minister said.

Also, Bakhtiyor Saidov got acquainted with the educational courses “household Academy”, organized for the purpose of social adaptation of the educators of the orphanage and successful selection of professions, forming social and life skills in them, put forward the issue of issuing certificates to children who have graduated from these educational courses.


The next address of the minister was the 23rd orphanage in Yunusabad district. Here the minister exchanged views with the National Guard commander-in-chief Sarvar Mamayusupov on the lifestyle of children in the orphanage. During the conversation, the issues of starting the right path for children with severe upbringing in this institution were considered. In particular, the minister proposed to gradually attach the children to the ranks of the Armed Forces.

In an interview with the educators of the House Of Mercy, the minister asked them about their interests, about the professions they want to occupy in the future, and gave them the necessary recommendations.