14 june 2022 year

Today, Minister of Public Education Bakhtiyor Saidov met with the heads of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and district and city departments of public education.

"We have visited Karakalpakstan several times this school year, but, unfortunately, we see that the worldview of district principals and school leaders is not changing," said the Minister.

The development of the country has once again reminded us that the future is in the hands of all of us, including educators, and that we are responsible for the fate of our students.

The meeting also explained the responsibility of teachers to improve the quality of education in Karakalpakstan, to improve the socio-spiritual environment at school, to direct students to the profession, to bring up graduates who have a comprehensive spiritual maturity, independent outlook and can apply their knowledge in school.


"In order to train young professionals who will introduce new modern nanotechnologies in production, construction and other fields in Karakalpakstan, we need to direct students from school to the profession," - said during the meeting.

The content and essence of the National Program for the Development of Public Education for 2022-2026 and the Decree and Resolution aimed at its implementation, adopted on 11 May this year, provided detailed information on the tasks set out in it.

It was explained that timely implementation of regional programs aimed at solving problems in educational institutions, the creation of favorable conditions for students in schools together with district and city governors, heads of sectors, the material and technical base of local governments, and public education departments provide school content, ie quality education. 


At the end of the meeting, the personal responsibility of the teachers, the school principal, the district department of public education and the regional administration for the organization of joint work in the implementation of reforms in the field was determined.