26 may 2022 year

On May 26 this year, at the initiative of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a meeting of the National Commission on Children's Affairs was held at the Ministry of Public Education.

The issues of reliable protection of children's rights, ensuring their legitimate interests, the activities of national and regional commissions on children's issues, housing for orphans and children deprived of parental care, as well as the establishment of family orphanages were discussed.


The event was attended by the co-chair of the National Commission for Children's Affairs, officials of the Department of Child Protection of the Cabinet of Ministers, officials of the Ministry of Public Education, representatives of the National Guard and deputy governors.

It was noted that the protection of the rights of the child is the responsibility of each member of the National Commission, as well as each ministry, as defined by the Decree of the President. It was also noted that the Ministry of Public Education has created a platform, which generates information on orphans and children deprived of parental care.


At present, an "online queue" system for providing housing for orphans and children deprived of parental care has been launched. As of today, 486 children in need of housing are online queued.

It should be noted that on April 29, 2022, the President adopted a resolution "On additional measures for financial support of the population in need of social protection and assistance." In accordance with this decision, from July 1, 2022, the procedure for allocating funds from the state budget to family orphanages will be introduced. Territorial authorities must now direct these funds to support orphans and children deprived of parental care in the prescribed manner. But the authorities are very slow in doing so.


It was also noted at the meeting that the "Book of Mercy" platform was developed, and the Cabinet of Ministers and the National Guard controlled the entry of the necessary information into the platform of the Book of Mercy by district (city) child protection departments. At the same time, a fund to support orphans and children deprived of parental care, included in the "Book of Mercy", was established. To date, the fund has received 22.4 billion soums. soums.

It was noted at the event that various forms of violence against children are used through social networks, but unfortunately, violence against children remains a social norm, and it is necessary to strengthen efforts to prevent violence and systemic and collective intolerance of violence against children.

At the end of the event, the activities of regional commissions were discussed. At the same time, proposals were made to increase the effectiveness of work to protect the rights of children, to ensure their legitimate interests.


For information: Today, 10 orphanages, 4 children's towns, 2 orphanages have been completed and 6 "Mercy" orphanages, 11 small orphanages, 3 SOS children's mahallas, 121 family orphanages are functioning.