24 january 2022 year

On January 13-14, 2022, a training seminar for teachers was organized at the "Youth Camp" in Bostanlyk district, Tashkent region.

The Minister of Public Education Bakhtiyor Saidov met with teachers from all over the country who came to the capital to test the textbooks prepared on the basis of the National Curriculum and to participate in master classes on the methods of teaching new textbooks created for grades 1-2 last year.

 “It is up to us what Uzbekistan will look like in the next 30 years. Today, we and you, the teachers, are laying the foundation for what a student who has just entered 1st grade will become as a cadre for a market economy when he or she graduates from 11th grade. The future of the country is determined by 11 years of education, ”said the Minister.

At the meeting, the sides discussed current issues and plans facing the education system. Visiting 62 schools over the course of a month, the minister, who oversaw the process, shared his findings: “Teachers should not only teach students the language, they should direct them to the profession,” he said.

Based on the national curriculum, 3rd grade textbooks have been created for this year. Now the Republican Education Center under the Ministry of Public Education in order to prepare trainers for the experimental testing of the National Curriculum and textbooks prepared on this basis, as well as to organize master classes on teaching new textbooks for grades 1-2 in 2021-2022. A training seminar for teachers is being held on January 14 at the Youth Union recreation center in Bostanlyk district of Tashkent region.

This year, 3rd grade textbooks created on the basis of the National Curriculum will be tested in 14 basic schools from the 3-4th quarter. During the 3-day training seminar, teachers of Tashkent city and region will be trained to approve this new textbook.

In addition, 85 teachers, 110 methodologists and 5 researchers from all regions of the country will receive master classes on the methodology of modern textbooks for grades 1-2, created last year on the basis of the national curriculum, by a team of authors and advanced teachers.

This workshop is also important as it provides a direct involvement of teachers in the process of creating textbooks, as well as a platform for teachers to get acquainted with changes in textbooks and gather feedback.

It is known that the Ministry of Public Education, together with local scientists and UNICEF international experts, has completed the development of the National Curriculum. The draft national curriculum was developed by 246 national experts, including 119 school teachers, 105 professors from higher education, 22 science methodologists, as well as 16 international experts involved through UNICEF and USAID.

The national curriculum includes topics relevant to international research (PISA, PIRLS, TIMMS) to assess students' knowledge and skills, as well as modern topics and approaches such as new educational approaches (STEM, collaborative learning, project-based learning). For the first time, "Natural Science" was introduced as a result of the integration of 5 subjects taught in grades 1-6. It should be noted that this science program was adapted to international requirements with the participation of Professor of the University of Helsinki Jari Lavonen.

In order to implement the national curriculum for the 2021-2022 academic year, a total of 326 textbooks for grades 1-2 with the participation of 154 authors selected on a competitive basis in all disciplines, as well as methodological manuals for teachers, textbooks and multimedia applications have been created. Multimedia applications are being developed to teach students through games based on the gameplay method. For the first time, a multimedia application for textbooks uses augemented reality technology.

46 professors, 101 practical teachers, 7 science methodologists were involved in these processes. Their average age is 40-45 years. As a result of rational reforms in the field of education, a school of authors consisting of young scientists and experienced teachers has been formed in our country. The equal participation of teachers and practitioners in the creation of textbooks helped to reflect in the textbooks the goals set out in the National Curriculum.

For the first time, textbooks are written on the basis of the standard-qualification requirements that every class graduate should have and the curriculum necessary for their formation. Along with the textbook, a teacher's book and an exercise book and a multimedia application for primary school were prepared.


