24 november 2021 year

Dear teachers, dear parents!

It wasn't long before I became Minister of Public Education. The fact that the head of our state has entrusted me with a very important area that determines the future of our country, has undoubtedly imposed a great responsibility.

It should be noted that from the first day of my work I was more or less acquainted with the work done and to be done in the system. In fact, just as much work has been done, so much has been done. There is no doubt that any problem that is delayed today will turn into a disaster tomorrow.

It is noteworthy that in the first days of my tenure, I went on a business trip to Jizzakh. I went to local schools and got acquainted with the situation. One of the words of Dilfuza Sadriddinova, the head of the regional department of public education, struck me. Unfortunately, among some parents today, their children:

"Study, boy, at least you'll be a teacher," they said. This was very difficult for me. The first task before us today is to eradicate this misconception!

The role of school in the development of a person as an independent and mature person is enormous. It is in school that a person's concept of "I" is formed. This means that everyone working in this field has a great responsibility, that is, responsibility for the fate of our nation, state and future through the fate of one person.

To do this, first of all, we need to raise the status of educators, the teaching profession. Admittedly, not all teachers are the same. There are dedicated teachers, but unfortunately there are also teachers who have lost their way or become helpless. But the concepts of teaching and dedication have always been in sync. The teacher must feel a sense of responsibility. The fate of our future is in the hands of our teachers.

There is a man who lives as my child! Therefore, none of us has the right to be indifferent to public education! We have remote areas such as Konimex, Kanlikul, Sherabad, Alat. It is up to us to instill confidence in the future of parents and children there. Parents should live not by saying, "Would you like to study and earn a living, but work in the garden?" We must not allow a child who claims to be an engineer, a scientist, a minister or a doctor to break his heart. The main task before us is to increase the desire of both children and parents to study!

The great philosopher Aristotle said, "The roots of knowledge are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." Today's hard work will surely bear fruit in the future. Today, through the fate of 7 million people in the public education system, we are influencing the future of our people and our country. The responsibility for this should be felt by everyone working in every field. If each of us lives with the idea of ​​what we can do for the development of education, we will achieve our goal. This is the task I have set for the team today, and I hope that they will be with me along the way. We must justify the opportunity and high confidence created by the head of our state!

Today, the Ministry is developing the next 5-year National Program for the Development of the Public Education System. Therefore, I look forward to your suggestions and comments on the above-mentioned areas, such as the prestige of the teacher, the desire of students to learn, the development of the public education system in general, in the comments and through the survey in this link.
