13 may 2022 year

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2022 No. PF-134 "On approval of the National Program for the Development of Public Education for 2022-2026":

1. In order to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work in general secondary education and strengthen the responsibility of school principals, parents and mahalla chairmen in this regard, the Ministry of Public Education together with the relevant ministries and departments from September 1, 2022 in all districts (cities) to form and publish the rating of schools (hereinafter - the rating).


Within the framework of the rating, at the end of each academic year, the state of spiritual and educational work carried out in general secondary education is assessed according to the criteria approved by the Ministry of Public Education;

Special commissions headed by the heads of district (city) departments of public education will be formed to assess and rate the state of spiritual and educational work carried out in general secondary education institutions;

general secondary education institutions are divided into "green", "yellow" and "red" categories on the basis of rating indicators;

On the basis of the rating indicators, necessary measures will be taken to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work in general secondary education institutions included in the "red" category.

2. Ministry of Public Education (B.Saidov), Ministry of Internal Affairs (P.Bobojonov), Ministry of Defense (B.Kurbanov), National Guard (R.Djuraev), Agency for Youth Affairs (A.Sadullaev), Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment (M.Khodjimatov) together with other ministries and departments in general secondary education institutions included in the "red" category from September 1, 2022 on the basis of rating indicators:

to organize meetings, motivational conversations and master classes with schoolchildren with the involvement of intellectuals and luminaries, leading entrepreneurs, leaders of clusters and industrial enterprises, famous artists, athletes and actors, well-known bloggers;

to take measures to conduct "Patriotism" classes for schoolchildren and 2-day military field exercises on landfills and attract them to equestrian schools, with the participation of military officers, sergeants and veterans of the Armed Forces "We are all responsible for peace!", "Freedom is the key to happiness!" , Organize roundtables on "Service to the Fatherland - the highest virtue";

organize visits of students to architectural and historical monuments, cultural institutions and protected natural areas;

to hold sports competitions, concert performances and exhibitions of works of art based on the interests, needs and desires of students;

to carry out propaganda work on the scientific and cultural heritage of our great ancestors, their exemplary way of life and their contribution to the development of world civilization, to organize scientific weeks, seminars and conferences dedicated to the birthdays of great scientists;

to carry out explanatory work on the role, duties and responsibilities of parents in the upbringing of children on the basis of real-life examples, to organize open dialogues and training seminars on issues of interest and concern to them.

The Ministry of Mahalla and Nurani Support (T.Khudaybergenov) together with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional, Tashkent city and district (city) khokimiyats and citizens' self-government bodies to encourage parents of exemplary students on a quarterly basis. handing out and presenting gifts, as well as establishing a practice of extensive coverage of its activities in the media.

3. Ministry of Public Education (B.Saidov):

By August 1, 2022 to review the internal rules and regulations of the general secondary education institution and determine in them the role and responsibility of the school and parents in the upbringing of children, their participation and responsibilities in the process of education and upbringing;

to place internal rules and regulations of general secondary education on its official website and in the information system "my.maktab.uz";

From September 1, 2022, schoolchildren should inform their parents about the internal rules and ethics of general secondary education through the information system "my.maktab.uz".

To the Cabinet of Ministers within a month to approve the concept of increasing the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work in general secondary education.

4. To improve the information and communication technology infrastructure of general secondary education institutions, to provide computer classrooms with modern equipment and other means:

The Ministry of Public Education (B.Saidov) in coordination with the Ministry of Finance (T.Ishmetov), ​​the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city khokimiyats to approve the Cabinet of Ministers
