11 may 2022 year

Today, officials of the Ministry of Public Education began a study of educational institutions in Fergana region. In particular, he visited schools No. 14, 52 in Quva district and No. 33 in Toshloq district.

At School No. 14, 11th graders participated in the classroom and had a cordial conversation about the knowledge they had acquired on the eve of graduation, the goals they had set for themselves, and their future careers. Among the graduates, 4 students with a broad outlook, thirst for knowledge, clear goals and choosing a profession were recognized and presented with a tablet.

photo2022-05-1119-48-30.jpgIn conversations with educators, it was explained that the country depends on teachers for the future, which is a huge responsibility. Similar dialogues were organized at school No. 33 in Toshloq district.


School No. 52 in Quva District was built in 1968 in the form of an adapted building (field shed) and was renovated in 2008, but the conditions in the classrooms are insufficient for education. Therefore, it was decided to include it in the Investment Program to improve the conditions by building a new building for the school in the first place.