24 december 2021 year

In November-December, the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Public Education held a republican competition of creative works on the theme "My President" among students of 10-11 grades in all secondary schools.

In total, more than 600,000 students participated in the school, district (city) and regional stages of the competition.

dsc2047.jpgThe main purpose of the competition is to develop students' ability to understand and reflect on the reforms implemented in our country in recent years, a sense of belonging to the fate, future and prospects of our country, creative, critical, non-standard thinking, eloquence, flexibility, creative expression. shaping, shaping a sense of belonging to its future.


The republican stage of the contest was held on December 21-24 at the Chinobod Plaza resort in Tashkent, and was attended by 45 students who won in the regions.

On December 23 of this year, at the republican stage, students wrote an essay on "My President."

According to the judges' decision, Rano Abduhamidova, a 10th grade student of the 5th specialized state secondary school in Parkent district of Tashkent region, took the 1st place, Gulferuz Saribaeva, an 11th grade student of the 13th comprehensive school of Bozatov district of Karakalpakstan, and the 3rd grade student of Jondor district of Bukhara region. 11th grade student Jasmina Turaeva - 2nd place, 11th grade student of 2nd comprehensive school of Hazarasp district of Khorezm region Marvarid Rustamova and 10th grade student of 6th comprehensive school of Pakhtachi district of Samarkand region Chinnigul Ismatillaeva - 3rd place.


In addition, 10 participants of the republican stage won prizes in various nominations and received valuable prizes. Also, all participants of the Republican stage were given 1 laptop.

Students who win at this stage (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) in the 2022-2023 or 2023-2024 academic year, if they are admitted on a fee-for-service basis based on the results of entrance examinations to higher educational institutions of the republic, their 1st place, respectively 4-year payment-contract funds to the 1st place winner, 3-year payment-contract funds to the 2nd place winner, 2-year payment-contract funds to the 3rd place winner or 4-year payment-contract funds to the 1st place winner, respectively. The 2nd place winner will be awarded in the amount of 3-year payment-contract funds, the 3rd place winner will be awarded in the amount of 2-year payment-contract funds.

dsc2086.jpgThe winners of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the fourth stage of the competition will receive $ 30 million and $ 20 million, respectively, from the teachers of the secondary school. and 10 million. soums were awarded. Also, the winners of the republican stage (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) received one laptop from the principals of secondary schools.

dsc2087.jpgIn addition, during the competition for students were organized trainings with the participation of prominent politicians, culture, public figures of the country, trips to the facilities built in recent years in the capital and other entertainment events.