17 january 2022 year

At present, a meeting under the auspices of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev is being held on the priorities of radically improving the quality of education in schools, especially in specialized schools.

President: "Specialized schools should operate within a single cluster, which includes education, science and practice"

Analyzing the activities of specialized schools, the President noted that currently the number of specialized schools in the public education system has reached 790. In particular, 207 schools in foreign languages, 126 schools in mathematics and physics, 99 schools in IT, 87 schools in chemistry and biology.

Only 135 of these schools are fully specialized and have boarding school status. In the remaining 655 schools, 25 percent of the classes are taught in depth.

“At the same time, the curriculum, textbooks, teaching methods, science clubs in these 655 specialized schools are almost no different from ordinary schools.

For example, in classes specializing in mathematics or a foreign language, only 2 hours more special subjects are taught than in the rest. We plan to increase GDP to $ 100 billion by 2025 and increase exports to $ 30 billion.

To do this, we must, first of all, prepare a patriotic young generation that meets modern requirements and is equipped with the necessary knowledge, logical thinking and leadership skills, ”the President said at the meeting.

In this regard, officials and governors of the regions were instructed to organize the work in the following areas:

- Starting from the new academic year, 2 specialized schools from regional centers, big cities and districts, 1 from districts and cities will be transferred from the Ministry of Public Education to the Presidential Agency for Educational Institutions;

- In this case, the development of industry and agriculture in the districts and cities, based on the subjects that have long been strongly taught in these areas, schools should specialize;

 - From now on, specialized schools will be organized in the system of the Presidential Agency for Educational Institutions.

The head of state set priorities for radically improving the activities of specialized schools.

In particular, in such schools:

- Students are provided with modern textbooks on the basis of international educational programs;

- By the 9th grade, students will receive at least 1 national and international certificate in a foreign language;

- A system of internships for high school students directly in enterprises will be introduced;

- Departments of research institutes and universities of the Academy of Sciences will be attached to schools based on their specialization.

“In general, specialized schools should operate within a single cluster that includes education, science and practice,” the President said.

It will be recalled that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev is currently holding a meeting on the priorities of radically improving the quality of education in schools, especially in specialized schools.

Source: president.uz
