22 january 2022 year

Starting from January 24 this year, the educational process in secondary schools will be organized "online" for a month.

In order to provide students with quality education at a distance, classes are regularly provided through the TV channels provided by the National Television and Radio Company and the telegram channel "Online School" (https://t.me/uzeduonlinemaktab). The schedule of classes under the "Online School" project is announced daily via the "Online School" telegram channel (https://t.me/uzeduonlinemaktab).

Teachers should ensure that students master their homework, complete homework, and assess their knowledge in the class journal (Kundalik.com in schools with an electronic diary system) based on this daily schedule and, if necessary, explain to students the topics covered in the Online School project. should go.

School leaders should create sufficient conditions for teachers to work in the educational institution and ensure uninterrupted Internet operation in ICT rooms.

In addition, in accordance with the "Instructions on the procedure for the formation of a standard annual work plan for pedagogical specialties of general secondary education (https://lex.uz/docs/4877855)", in addition to teaching (teaching process) - Methodological support of the educational process and the organizational and pedagogical process.

Therefore, during the online learning process of students, teachers must work independently, in addition to the responsibilities of the position at the school, as well as the tasks set out in the employment contract with him.

In accordance with the requirements of the order of the Minister of Employment and Labor Relations "On approval of the Regulations on the temporary procedure for transfer of employees to remote work, flexible work schedule or home work during the quarantine period" (https://lex.uz/docs/4776265) when illnesses occur in the school, teachers are given the opportunity to work remotely to protect the health of teachers and prevent the spread of a new strain of coronavirus.

The head of the school is responsible for supervising and coordinating the work of teachers.

Dear educators, Currently, in order to protect students, the process of work continues in all organizations and departments, despite the fact that education has been transferred to the online form. Therefore, you will also be asked to approach your work responsibly.
