22 january 2022 year

On January 21, Minister of Public Education Bakhtiyor Saidov held a meeting on improving the activities of Barkamol Avlod children's schools. The issues of further improving the system of out-of-school education, creating additional conditions for the education of young people were discussed at the event.

Unfortunately, not every family knows Barkamol Avlod children's schools today. But the activity should be organized in such a way that every parent should be aware of this school. He should entrust his children's post-school life to this very organization. When establishing Barkamol Avlod children's schools, they have set noble goals, such as increasing the effectiveness of out-of-school education, developing high moral qualities in students, meaningful organization of their leisure time, and vocational guidance. For this, we need to take the activities of Barkamol Avlod schools to a new level and improve their activities. To do this, we need to completely reconsider our activities and work on ourselves, ”said Bakhtiyor Saidov.

At the meeting, recommendations were made to take measures to provide Barkamol Avlod schools with highly qualified specialists, club leaders and methodologists. It was also tasked to organize master classes with the participation of professionals who have thoroughly mastered their work. It was also recommended to fill the vacancies of Barkamol Avlod schools and other organizations in the public education system with the reduction of youth leaders in schools.

Currently, there are 217 Barkamol Avlod children's schools in the public education system. 216,764 students are involved in the existing 7,527 clubs. The Barkamol Avlod Republican Children's School has clubs in the fields of culture and art, engineering, design and modeling, physical education and sports, handicrafts and manual labor, tourism and ecology, higher education and school preparation, and foreign languages.