23 february 2022 year

On February 23, the Ministry of Public Education held a press conference on "Measures and incentives that can be applied to students by secondary school teachers", which was attended by officials of the Ministry of Public Education, psychologists and members of the media.

As you know, the measures taken against students by some teachers of secondary schools in recent days have caused a lot of discussion on social networks. The press conference provided detailed information on the requirements for teachers, students and parents in the educational process, the rules of ethics that should apply to all, the measures that can be applied to students and incentives.


The relationship between teachers and students in public secondary schools is regulated by the "Rules of conduct and ethics of general secondary education" approved by the order of the Ministry No. 131 of May 28, 2020.

The purpose of the rules is to create a healthy socio-psychological environment in the educational institution, to educate students in accordance with modern requirements and national values, respect for the individual and his rights, the development of moral culture and communication skills, the formation of high moral and spiritual qualities. the property of the educational institution, the creation of a friendly work environment that allows for the safety of training equipment and staff.


These provisions are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law "On Education", the "National Training Program", the Law "On Guarantees of the Rights of the Child" and the Law of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On moral and physical development of youth "On measures to raise it to a new level" and "On additional measures to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work" and to ensure the implementation of the instructions of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It should be noted that these rules are applied in public schools, and are of a recommendatory nature for non-governmental educational institutions. In accordance with paragraph 11 of these rules, teachers are prohibited from discriminating against the identity and dignity of students.

photo2022-02-2312-50-48.jpgStudents who violate the internal rules of the school are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the rules of the internal labor regulations of the educational institution. Under these measures, a teacher can write a reprimand in a student’s paper or electronic diary, and the student can be placed on the school’s internal control list if the violation is repeated. Individual engagements with students and discussion among the class team are also scheduled. It was also noted that the transfer of students who do not follow the internal rules to another class, as well as the invitation of parents to school, will be discussed in the framework of the public council "Family-neighborhood-educational institution."

photo2022-02-2312-50-47.jpgThe press conference provided detailed information on possible measures and incentives for students. At the end of the conference, all questions from the media were answered in detail by officials.