25 february 2022 year

The leadership of the Ministry of Public Education got acquainted with the work carried out in the public education system of the Republic of Karakalpakstan on February 23-25, 2022. As a result, a number of problems related to the development of the public education system, professional development of teachers, the creation of appropriate conditions for students were analyzed and practical measures were taken to address them.

In particular, on February 24 of this year at the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute with the participation of Ministers of Public Education and Higher and Secondary Special Education, ministry officials, rectors and professors launched "Karakalpakstan experience" in organizing activities of "Mobile methodical groups". agreed to introduce.


During the visit, the existing problems in the educational institutions of Takhtakor, Khojayli and Nukus in Karakalpakstan were studied, and specific tasks to improve the conditions for students were identified.

In addition, it was noted that the need to pay more attention to students studying in educational institutions for children with disabilities in the Republic. It was noted that practical measures will be taken to address their problems.

In particular, new school buildings for 660 places each will be built in Chimbay Guzari and Jana Bazar districts of Nukus. In addition to the construction of an additional educational building for 2 secondary schools, the repair of a dormitory for 150 places in the specialized boarding school for mentally retarded children No. 3 in Khojayli district and a specialized boarding school for children with scoliosis No. 6, an additional 96-seat educational building, 75 Proposals were made for the development of social and industrial infrastructure for the construction of a dormitory and a swimming pool.


This year, the specialized boarding school for the blind No. 10 in Nukus will build an additional building for 220 places instead of a 100-seat building made of raw brick, repair existing dormitories and utility rooms, build an artificial turf sports ground, furniture, Braille display equipment. It is planned to overhaul and equip the building of the Republican Children's School "Barkamol Avlod".