8 april 2022 year

The Ministry of Public Education announces the New Teachers of Uzbekistan project in order to improve the quality of education by attracting skilled teachers from other regions in schools with low levels of education.

As you know, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to attract qualified specialists to budget organizations in remote areas" signed on January 11, 2021, from March 1, 2021 to teach in schools with low levels of education It is planned to introduce special bonuses to the basic tariff rates for teachers who have According to him, starting from March 1 of this year, teachers of higher and first category will receive a 100 percent bonus if they go to work in another region, and 50 percent if they go to work in another district.
The State Inspectorate for Quality Control in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Public Education have compiled and approved a list of schools with low quality of education. The list includes 1,409 schools with low levels of education in the past academic year (graduates did not enter higher education, did not have higher and first category teachers and showed low results in the National Ranking of schools, failed state accreditation).

 Based on the positive experience of last year's "Teacher 2020" competition, the NGO "Teachers' Association" was involved in the implementation of the project "Teachers of New Uzbekistan". Experts of the Association will be involved to make the selection transparent and fair.



Teachers who want to go and work in low-quality schools in other regions must first have a higher or first qualification category, with at least one year of teaching experience. After that, the applicant registers on the electronic platform and fills out the application form. The e-application will be reviewed by experts and the applicant will be invited for an interview through the ZOOM program. During the interview, the candidate's achievements in work, psychological readiness are assessed. The experts' conclusions on the results of the assessment will be published by June 1 this year.
Teachers selected under the New Teachers of Uzbekistan project will start teaching students in low-level secondary schools from the next academic year.

The presentation of the project "Teachers of New Uzbekistan" was broadcast live on the social network page of the Ministry in the form of an open dialogue, answering questions from teachers.