7 april 2022 year

Adolescence is a period of serious testing for the relationship between children and parents. It is difficult to go through this period because there can be losses. But the process is fun and can build relationships.

Important tips for parents to raise their teenage children:

✅ Stay in touch with your child. Adolescence is a complex period, so it is important to constantly communicate with the child.

✅ Ask the child about his interests, problems and talk. Support your child’s thoughts, dreams, and goals.

✅ When you get home from work, don’t scold the child, even if they did something wrong. First, ask the reason for this misbehavior. Find out what your child did during the day. After the conversation, giving good advice and friendly advice will work well.

✅ Remember that various restrictions and threats in the upbringing of teenagers are ineffective and dangerous for your child. Excessive restraints and restrictions on a child’s freedom can cause a teenager to become aggressive. During adolescence, the more the parent negotiates with the child, the better the outcome. If a ban is needed, take some time to explain the reason for the ban. If the child continues to protest, then try to find a solution that suits both you and him.

✅ Talk to the child about the prospects and the future in his life. Find out what your child wants, how they want to achieve their goal, help them develop a clear and realistic action plan.

✅ Talk to your child about serious topics: what is life? What is the meaning of life? What is friendship, love, death, betrayal? These topics make teenagers think more. She is looking for answers to understand what is important in life. Tell us about things and feelings that are valuable to you. Don’t hesitate to share your own experiences, your own thoughts. In most cases, a heart-to-heart conversation is better than a “lecture” to the child and advice on what is right and what is wrong. If you avoid talking to a teenager about difficult topics, he or she will continue to search for answers from the other side - for example, on the internet. Information on social media can be not only unreliable but also dangerous.

✅ Do everything you can to make your child understand that life is beautiful, that living is happiness. It is important to teach a child to enjoy the simple things in life, for example, nature, communication with people, exploring the world. Be an example to yourself in instilling a love for life. Your positive attitude towards life will definitely pass on to the child and help him overcome the difficulties that arise in him.

✅ Give the child an idea of ​​failure and ways out of it. Talk often about how to overcome certain challenges. Give real-life examples from people's experiences of failure and self-confidence.

✅ Show your child love and care and find out what is behind his rudeness. Your kindness, attention, care, support is very important for the child.

✅ Be careful when giving freedom to a child. The teen may not be ready for it yet. So do this process slowly. Teach him well what is possible and what is not possible before giving him independence.

✅ If for some reason you can not find a language with the child, consult a specialist in a timely manner. Work with a psychologist individually. Only then will you have the necessary skills to help restore warmth, trust, and harmony in your relationship with your child.