11 april 2022 year

In accordance with the instructions given by the President at a video conference on 5 April this year, a working group headed by Minister of Public Education Bakhtiyor Saidov began to study the activities of schools in Yunusabad district.

In particular, the existing problems were studied in schools No. 58 and 117 in the district, which have a low level of education and insufficient professional skills of teachers. Participating in the lessons, the state of students' knowledge and mastery of various subjects was analyzed through questions and answers, science teachers stressed the need to provide children with in-depth knowledge, to improve their professional skills in their subject. Special instructions were given to further improve the spiritual environment at the school, to educate in the spirit of patriotism.

He also visited School No. 53, which underwent a complete renovation this year, and spoke with parents. The head of the school was instructed to focus on new methods of teaching in a school with modern facilities, to study foreign best practices, to improve the professional skills of teachers in cooperation with attached higher education institutions.


He visited the school for children with disabilities No. 87 in the district and got acquainted with the conditions created for students.

Students and teachers were interviewed at schools with high coefficients 260 and 86, where they were instructed to take responsibility for the future of the country, to strengthen the requirements for principals and to improve the quality of education and teaching methods. suggestions were heard.

Measures will be taken to build an additional 960-seat school building at School No. 260.


Based on the results of the study of schools in Yunusabad district, a roadmap will be developed in each school to improve the content of education on the basis of new methods of teaching and to improve the conditions for students.