11 april 2022 year

An international conference on the role of international research in education in the development of New Uzbekistan was held on April 11 at the Hilton Tashkent City Hotel in Tashkent. The conference was organized by the State Inspectorate for Education Quality Control, the Ministry of Public Education, the National Center for International Research, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World Bank, UNICEF and UNESCO. Andreas Schleicher, Special Adviser and founder of PISA Research, was also the keynote speaker.

The conference agenda includes the role and expected results of national and international assessment programs in improving the education system, in particular the PISA-2022 assessment program, human capital development, Uzbekistan's participation in international research and future plans, support for Uzbekistan's participation in international research prospects and a number of related issues.

Speaking at the conference, Minister of Public Education Bakhtiyor Saidov spoke about the role of international research in the education system of Uzbekistan, the role of 15-16-year-olds in developing critical and creative thinking, mathematics, science and reading literacy. he said.


It should be noted that in April-May of this year, the study will be conducted by computer in 202 schools in different parts of the country, selected by an international organization.

PISA research allows each country to compare its strengths and weaknesses with the world education system. It also attracts foreign investment, which means that investors will be able to find answers to the question of whether the country has educated, qualified personnel.

Through this research, we can obtain comprehensive, scientifically based and reliable information on the education system in the country, the learning environment, the organization of education, critical and creative thinking, the ability to apply knowledge in life, parents' attention to their children's education and home environment. intended.

To date, 348 basic schools have been identified in 14 regions in preparation for international research, and another 9,691 schools have been attached to these basic schools.


In 2021, PISA research experiments were conducted in 83 schools of the republic, and now 202 selected educational institutions are preparing for the main testing process in April-May 2022.