


First Deputy Minister of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Wednesday from 16:00 to 18:00

Sharifkhodjayev Usman Ulfatovich was born in July 9, 1986 in Tashkent. He graduated from Tashkent Financial Institute with a bachelor's degree in 2007 and a master's degree in 2009 and second master’s degree from Westminster International University in Tashkent in 2011.

2003-2007 - Student of Tashkent Financial Institute

2005-2009 - Youth TV presenter of Echo Valley, editor-in-chief

2007-2009 - Master's degree from Tashkent Financial Institute

2009-2010 - Assistant of the Finance Department of the Tashkent Financial Institute.

2010-2012 - Head of the Department of International Relations of the Tashkent Financial Institute

2012-2013 - Senior lecturer of the Finance Department of the Tashkent Financial Institute.

2013-2015 - Head of the Department of Magistracy of Tashkent State University of Economics.

2015-2016 - Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Tashkent State University of Economics

2016-2016 - Head of the Department of Coordination of Research Activities of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2016-2017 - Head of the Main Department for Supervision of the introduction of new programs and educational literature of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2017-2017 - Chief Consultant of the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Science, Education, Health and Sports on science

2017-2018 - Head of the Department of State Control over the Quality of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2018-2020 - Department of Education of the Department of Youth Affairs, Science, Health and Sports of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan mudiri

1) compliance with the requirements of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as other regulatory and legal acts;

2) the performance of the duties of the Minister in the case of his temporary absence on the basis of the relevant order;

3) coordination, control and direct management of the activities of supervised structural divisions of the Ministry, the distribution of responsibilities among their employees;

4) conducting a critical and in-depth analysis of the implementation of concepts, integrated programs and comprehensive measures to further improve the activities of the Ministry, approved by decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers in the supervised areas of the Ministry's activities;

5) taking measures to ensure unconditional achievement of forecast indicators by supervised structural subdivisions, systematic hearing of reports from department heads and increasing their personal responsibility for achieving the specified indicators;

6) approval of quarterly plans of managers of supervised structural divisions, ensuring control over the progress of their implementation;

7) ensuring the implementation of decisions and instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers, implementation of comprehensive practical measures to strengthen performance discipline in the supervised structural divisions of the Ministry, as well as taking measures to increase the personal responsibility of heads of structural divisions for the timely and high-quality execution of instructions in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 11, 2017 № PD-2881 "On the personal responsibility of state advisers of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of the Cabinet of Ministers and its bodies, state and economic management bodies, as well as governing bodies of all levels for effective and efficient execution of acts and instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as for strengthening performing discipline "and Decision № 12 of the Cabinet of Ministers on January 12, 1999 regarding "Measures to strengthen executive discipline";

8) ensuring timely and high-quality execution of decisions of the Board of the Ministry, orders, and instructions of the Minister;

9) submission of proposals to the Minister for the selection and placement of personnel in supervised departments; assurance of warranty of their professionalism, competence, practical experience, high level of business and moral qualities; taking measures to improve their professional qualifications; formation of personnel reserve in supervised departments;

10) organization of high-quality development of draft legal acts by supervised structural subdivisions, review and approval of draft documents prepared in structural subdivisions of the Ministry for further consideration, signing (endorsement) by the Minister, ensuring their timely submission to the Cabinet of Ministers in strict accordance with the Regulations of the Presidential Administration and the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as participation on behalf of the Minister in the elaboration of the drafts of regulatory acts in the Cabinet of Ministers;

11) a full and comprehensive review of proposals and drafts of legal acts submitted to the Ministry, their thorough economic, financial, legal and other expertise;

12) completion of official trips in full compliance with the requirements of Presidential Decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 5, 2014 № PD-2142 "On measures to improve the procedure for departure of officials to foreign countries" and dated August 3, 2017 № PD-3170 "On measures to further increase the personal responsibility of officials for the effectiveness of their stay in foreign official missions and the organization of visits of foreign delegations to the Republic of Uzbekistan ", ensuring the validity, efficiency and productivity of official trips, purposeful and rational use of funds allocated for travel expenses;

13) systematically conducting a critical analysis of the efficiency and productivity of the activities of managers and employees of supervised departments, hearing their personal reports at meetings of the board of the Ministry, taking the necessary measures for the results;

14) taking practical measures to improve the activities of the Ministry on issues relating to the field of public education, develop proposals for improving legislation in the field of public education and submitting them to the Minister;

15) making proposals to the Minister for encouraging managers and the employees of the supervised departments and bringing to them disciplinary responsibility, including consideration of the practicability of continuing to hold them in the position, implementing systematic measures to increase their personal responsibility for performing functional duties and assigned tasks;

16) compliance with the requirements of the Rules of Ethical Conduct by the Ministry employees, ensuring compliance with these rules by managers and employees of the supervised departments;

17) taking measures to prevent corruption and other offenses in the system of the Ministry in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Anti - Corruption", as well as identifying, analyzing, eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to their commission by developing and implementing measures to improve law enforcement and legislation ;

18) making proposals to the Minister for improving the efficiency, quality of provision and availability of public services;

19) organization of effective work on the consideration of appeals of individuals and legal entities, the establishment of a direct and open dialogue with the population, the systematic conduct of personal receptions, including field receptions of individuals and representatives of legal entities, in the time and manner established by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Appeals individuals and legal entities ";

20) effective interaction with the National Reception Offices of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, active participation in their activities, ensuring timely and full consideration of applications from individuals and legal entities coming from the Virtual Reception Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

21) compliance with legal requirements when working with information classified as state secrets and confidential information