7 july 2021 year

In accordance with the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PF-5712 of April 29, 2019 “on approval of the concept of development of the system of public education of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030” and measures of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on introduction of new principles of management into the system of Public Education”

In the following buildings and structures under the Ministry of Public Education:

1. Tashkent City, located in Almazar district A.The test center of the Research Institute for the study of problems of Public Education named after Avloni and determination of prospects in the building of the gym (339.3 sq.m.);

2. In the building of the Sports Hall of the testing center belonging to the Regional Center for retraining and improvement of their and their professional development of the employees of public education of Samarkand region under the Ministry of Public Education located in Samarkand City, Samarkand region (5622 sq.m.)

3. In the building of the Sports Hall of the testing center belonging to the Regional Center for retraining and improvement of their and their professional development of the public education staff of the Kashkadarya region under the Ministry of Public Education located in Karshi city, kashkadarya region (172 sq.m.),

4. In the building of the Sports Hall of the test center corresponding to the Regional Center for retraining and improving their and their qualification of the personnel of the public education of the Republic of Karakalpakstan under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, located in Nukus city (355.2 sq.m.);

5. In the buildings of the Sports Hall of the testing center belonging to the Regional Center for retraining and improving their and their qualification of the personnel of the Namangan region under the Ministry of Public Education located in Namangan city, Namangan region (275.8 sq.m.) (in subsequent places — DSU obyekti) it is planned to provide attestation and certificates by conducting transparent tests to determine the level of knowledge of science directions and specialties, as well as the qualification category of pedagogical personnel with higher and secondary special education working in secondary educational institutions, not having a category, on the basis of Public-Private Partnership conditions.

The terms of the public-private partnership project include the following:

- to ensure the free Organization of transparent examinations for the purpose of determining the level of knowledge of science directions and specialties, as well as the qualification category of managers, specialists and pedagogical staff working in the field of public education;

- on the basis of the project documents agreed with the state partner, the organization of the material and technical base of buildings and structures in accordance with modern standards in order to establish a modern testing center for transparent testing in order to determine the level of knowledge of science directions and specialties of managers, specialists and pedagogical personnel working in the field of;

- the use of DXSh during the validity period of the transaction without changing the main type of activity;

In accordance with the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on public-private partnership” № ARQ-537 of May 10, 2019, and the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on improvement of the order of implementation of Public-Private Partnership projects” № 259 of April 26, 2020, the concept of this project was approved by the Ministry of public education on

In order to inform other applicants about the implementation of the public-private partnership project by a potential state partner (Ministry of public education) of the concept of Public-Private Partnership approved in accordance with the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on public-private partnership”, he placed the announcement on the official website of the agency for the development of Public-Private Partnership under the

Form of request to express interest (.docx, 25.1 KB)

Project concept (.pdf, 2,690 KB)

In order to participate in the tender, interested parties must submit their requests and tender applications (proposals) until 18.00 on August 20, 2021 in Tashkent time.

Requests for interest and tender applications (proposals) are accepted at the following address: Tashkent City, A.Navoi Street, 2a house (Ministry of Public Education).

In accordance with Article 17 of the law “on public-private partnership”of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in case of receipt of a request and tender applications (proposals) for the notification of interest, the Ministry of Public Education will conduct a tender with the participation of the private initiator and third parties interested in the project to identify a private partner.