23 july 2021 year

Cooperation on the introduction of a modern single interactive content system in the system of public education.

Today, work on connecting secondary schools to high-speed internet is being completed, and at a later stage it is planned to provide secondary schools with high-quality educational resources.

In this connection, the Ministry of Public Education calls on representatives of the private sector to cooperate on the creation and introduction of a modern single interactive content system in the system of public education.

Entrepreneurs interested in the implementation of the project should submit their proposals that meet the following criteria and “requirements for a single interactive content system for the public education system”(in a separate file) :

1. The system should be based on the programs and experience of international educational organizations (based on a document confirming cooperation) ;

2. Online access to content system in secondary schools in all regions of the Republic;

3. Content in the system will serve to increase national patriotism, critical thinking and cognitive capacity in secondary schools students;

4. Insufficient or non-payment of annual fees paid by the state or users for the use of the system (with detailed financial calculations based on);

5. Creation of the opportunity to use quality educational resources in all disciplines and classes, meeting the current general educational standards, in addition to Uzbek, Russian and fraternal languages.

Entrepreneurship entities wishing to implement the project on the basis of a public-private partnership must submit the following documents to the Ministry upon completion and approval:

Project concept form

Form of project evaluation document (financial model)

Attention! Project proposals will be accepted until 18:00 on August 10 of this year. Interested entrepreneurs should personally submit their proposals to the Ministry's office at the address of Tashkent City, Shaykhantakhur district, 2A-House (postal index: 100011) or as well as you will be asked to send via email.